MyStrands | A Music Only YouTube

42 sec read

capture_05092007_130038.jpgWith YouTube sewing up pretty much everything to do with the whole user generated video phenomenon in one fell swoop right at the start of this cavalcade we call online video, the trend now seems to be for start-ups to offer the same service, but with a specialized focus.

The latest of these to come wafting into our inbox is (an extension of the MyStrands music service) which to all intents and purposes appears to be a music centric YouTube knock off.

Basically you register, start a channel and then start browsing for music videos of various artists. You can then say whether or not you like the artist or add them to your favourites list thus building up a personalized music video channel of sorts.

Most of the videos we favourited for our super ultra hip and trendy channel (which we tried to supply you with a link for, but apparently we don’t have enough listening history) seemed to be linked from videos that had been uploaded to YouTube.

So essentially MyStrands is just an independent music video sharing community, but a very competent one and certainly worth a visit we’d say.

[Via MyStrands BLog]
