‘Leap Year’ Season Two Gets Go-Ahead – Hiscox Orders Second Series Of Hulu Web Video Hit

1 min read

Hiscox Leap YearI’m writing this on February 29, a day that only exists once every four years. It’s a leap year, which makes perfect timing to announce a second season of the show by that name. That’s a clever piece of marketing, Hiscox.

Original Web Series

Original Web series come in all different shapes and sizes. They can be purely amateur affairs uploaded to YouTube, or more professional efforts which are commissioned by and/or shown across online platforms.

Some of these shows have been highly successful, from the fake reality show LonelyGirl15, through Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog and on to the cable-like shows Lilyhammer and House Of Cards.

The latter two are indiscernible from television shows, except they are exclusive to Netflix. Leap Year is another TV-like show, but this one isn’t exclusive to Netflix. Instead it’s available anywhere and everywhere, or so it seems.

Leap Year

Leap Year

is a bit of a phenomenon. It’s an original Web series that is funded by insurance company Hiscox and then shown on a range of online and mobile platforms.

Hiscox has its name attached to a popular show while viewers get to see content that would never have even been made had it not been commissioned in this way. In other words everyone’s a winner.

The first season is now available to watch on YouTube in its entirety, or you can just catch up with this short recap of the whole season:

Season 2

The company has now given the go-ahead for a second season of 10 22-minute-long episodes. Filming begins later this week, with the series beginning to air in the summer.

The second season of Leap Year will debut on Hulu Plus before then making it to Hulu, iTunes, YouTube, and Mashable, amongst others.


Leap Year

is a great show that comes highly recommended. And now is the perfect time to get into it as you know a second set of episodes are on the way. Unlike all those network shows which get canceled after just one season.
