Origin Digital to Deliver On-Demand Video to Second Life

49 sec read

Original Digital

Original Digital Inc announced that it would be supplying on-demand video, audio and user generated content capabilities to the virtual world of Second Life.

Second Life users who are also referred as “Residents” will now be able to integrate streaming video and music in their virtual worlds for a richer multimedia experience.

Use of images and videos are not new to the world of Second Life however with the inclusion of on-demand capabilities, one will be privy to a more flexible platform.

“Residents and businesses are optimizing Second Life’s new on-demand video capabilities through our branded services leveraging Origin Digital’s flexible platform,” said Randall Crockett, CEO at MountainMeister Media, a major multimedia vendor in Second Life. “Origin Digital’s dynamic means for transforming, managing, and delivering quality video content to a virtual world is revolutionary.” Allowing users to create a unique and tailored multimedia experience within the virtual world is critical to the evolution, acceptance, growth and monetization of these emerging experiences.

I’m actually a little unsure about how this on-demand video in Second Life will actually be used for, the Press Release didn’t make it clear.

I’ve only played on Second Life for about 10 minutes until I realized it was more boring than real life. Are people going to be watching on-demand video on the TV in their Second Life living rooms? This all seems a bit odd.

[Press Release]
