HBO Embraces iPad But Not Netflix, Verizon Bringing Live TV To iPad For FiOS Subscribers

1 min read

Apple iPadThe iPad really is becoming the mobile device of choice for companies looking to spread their wares further afield. And the Apple tablet should open the door for many other devices to gain streaming video apps.

Mobile Video Streaming

Streaming video is moving out of the home and onto the street, literally. Mobile devices, along with the connected living room devices such as Google TV and the new Apple iTV, are now seen as the future of online video.

The Apple iPad, the first of what looks to be a rush of tablets, has played a big part in this change. Many companies have released apps for the iPad, and are gaining viewers (and consequently advertising revenue) from them.

Now, more are looking to jump on the bandwagon.

HBO Makes Its Choice

HBO is keen to offer its content to more people through more sources, but it’s being picky about which sources it gives the OK to.

According to Bloomberg, HBO is forging ahead with its plans for HBO Go, promising to make the service available to subscribers at no extra cost through all cable operators, and on a range of mobile devices including the Apple iPad.

However, Netflix is unlikely to be able to do a deal to also gain content. This is despite the company recently announcing a deal which brings Epix content to its ‘Watch Instantly’ streaming service available exclusively to subscribers.

This seems short-sighted of HBO, but I suspect the company will see the light as Netflix continues to grow.

Verizon Prepares FiOS TV App

Meanwhile, according to CNET, Verizon is developing a set of applications which will see live TV coming to the iPad and other tablet devices.

Subscribers to FiOS TV will, from early next year, be able to watch the same programming on their iPad as they are on their television. The technology to make this possible is now ready, and Verizon is just tidying everything up before pushing it out to customers.

The service will initially only be available within the confines of a customer’s home, with streaming happening via Wi-Fi.

But the company hopes to expand the offering as time passes so that FiOS TV content will eventually be available everywhere. Still only to verified subscribers, however. Which is to be expected.

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