Embedding YouTube Videos for Profit

1 min read

YouTube LogoThe massive stack of videos on YouTube presents an opportunity for creating blogs that spotlights the best videos from sites like YouTube and posts them on the site.

Here are a few quick tips to get you started:

Earn from Adsense

If you haven’t already then
It is the easiest and most profitable to place adverts on your website.

It is important to optimize your Adsense adverts, such as through positioning of the ads and the colors of the adsense links. You should also explore alternative income streams.

Use wordpress to create your blog

This blog uses wordpress and I highly recommend it because it is so customizable.

Pick a niche

It is a good idea to pick a theme for the videos of your site. For example gardening videos, recipe videos, celebrity videos etc. This way you can attract a specific audience and build a loyal reader base rather than trying to cover everything.

If you have an existing blog or site on a specific theme you can simply add a videos section and fill it up with the latest videos.

Tip: Everyone is doing funny videos so you might like to try something else.

Finding Videos

  • Digg Videos – keep an eye on the top stories on Digg and also subscribe to a niche search to find specific videos.
  • YouTube Tags – Subscribe to YouTube tags by RSS so you can see the latest videos added that contain certain tags.

Do not upload copyrighted videos yourself

It may be tempting to take videos from YouTube and upload them yourself like this idiot. This can give you a lot of exposure if you put your website in video descriptions on YouTube and also show your web address in the video. However, it is against the law.

If you don’t own those videos then you don’t have permission to redistribute (upload) or edit them. Doing so would make you guilty of copyright infringement and you won’t be hard to find since you’ve put your website address in the videos.
